Monday, July 15, 2024


I am happy that I am finally getting around to posting these photos. Last December, a good friend and I went on a trip to the UK. One of the places we visited was Stonehenge. Of course, Annie was fascinated. 

Annie dug deep into some research and loved that there was no solid information on how the stones got there and what they were for. Annie loves a good mystery. She explained the different facts and theories like a professor.

One might notice Annie's wig. She borrowed it from her sister just for the occasion. I must say, Annie looks very professional and intelligent. She already looks that way, but this style adds a nice touch. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Computer Love

I love walking into the tiny home and seeing Annie on my computer. She usually looks up exciting information on astronomy, reads an article by a scholar, or just looks at bunnies. 

Annie doesn’t need glasses, but she loves to wear them because she knows they make her look cute. Her eyes can adjust to the lenses. She is my happy little computer nerd, always. 

Some good news: I was recently hired for a new job where I will be home a lot more often. We are very happy about this. Now, we have more time for photos, videos, writing, cleaning, and other projects. 

Monday, June 17, 2024


Annie loves playing the electric guitar. When I brought home this LTD 8-string, she was fascinated and immediately wanted to play it. Of course, I broke out the camera. 

Annie had some difficulty looking “mean.” lol. I found this brand new AC/DC t-shirt for her. She really likes this band. Can you guess her favorite song by them? 

We are getting excited about upcoming events. So much work has been done, and so much more remains. I love how Annie and Judith keep me so busy. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Bunny Strikes Back

One of Annie’s favorite movies is Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. I found this shirt for her in a thrift store, and she loves it. I also found this Darth Vader stuffed toy, which happens to have bunny ears. 

I love these photos so much because of Annie’s smile. I can be going through the worst time ever, but seeing her smile makes me feel better. She is loved, and I think that she loves me back.

I will be taking a vacation to work on the editing portion of my book. All the writing is done. We are delighted with the progress and hope to publish it by the end of July. Please wish us luck.