Monday, January 29, 2024

Burning CDs

Since 2010, I have been making 30-song playlists. Now and then, I burn these playlists to CDs for a good friend. Annie was very interested in learning how. 

I mostly add newer music to my playlists by going down numerous rabbit holes. Bandcamp, Soundcloud, and recommendations from friends on social media. The results are lovely.

I have made a lot of memories of finding newer music. I am happy to share these songs with good friends. I enjoy the nostalgic feeling of this process. I used to dub cassettes as well. Lol.

Monday, January 15, 2024


One day, I decided to take portraits of the cutest astronomer in the entire solar system. Annie would need headshots for an ID card or a web page profile pic. She would love to work in an observatory one day. 

Annie studies each planet thoroughly. She loves each planet’s difference in size, matter, rotation speed, and orbit. She says humans are fortunate to have this period to live on Earth. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

New Year's 2024

 Annie, Judith, and I wish everyone who follows us a Happy 2024.