Monday, November 5, 2018

Pink Peach Shirt, Dress, and Socks

This is sort of a "right before bed" outfit for Annie. She is very comfortable, no glasses on, kind of messy hair, although she did want it brushed a bit in some of the photos. I love, love, love her socks and I am so happy I got them for her. How much I wish she had a little bit of scent to them... and if there were some scent, they would have a very subtle tint of adorable, sweet, peach flavored candy. lol. My baby is super spoiled. In the second to the last pic, she pulls the covers over herself and I can imagine her saying in a very cute but demanding voice, "Turn off the fuckin' light!" So I do, and take one last pic of her little feet sticking out from under the covers.  

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